Botox® Services in Central Iowa

Why is Botox® the right injectable for you?

An injectable product used for treating wrinkles caused by muscle movement. Treated areas often include wrinkles on the forehead, crow’s feet, and frown lines.

No downtime needing, but you may experience some bruising. Results may take up to two weeks.

How to get started!

  • Give Us a Call

    Call us at 515.318.5650 to schedule your consultation or appointment.

  • Schedule a Consultation

    Meet with one of our experts to discuss your needs and sit back and relax during your visit with us!

  • Book Service

    Schedule the service you are interested in post-consultation, from our list of injectables, laser treatments, to skin care.

At our medical spa in West Des Moines, BOTOX Cosmetic injections are an excellent treatment option that help patients look and feel refreshed. BOTOX is the most popular cosmetic treatment performed worldwide because, in the right hands, it reduces wrinkles without looking like you've had "work" done. The Spa at West Glen's medical director, Dr. Heidi Koch, personally performs BOTOX injections and oversees an experienced professional staff, ensuring a positive experience each time you return for treatments.Learn whether BOTOX injections are right for you by requesting a consultation using our online form or calling The Spa at West Glen at (515) 225-2642 to schedule an appointment.

Am I a Good Candidate for BOTOX?

BOTOX is an effective treatment for many of the women and men who come to our spa. If you're concerned about looking worried or tired or appearing older than you are, BOTOX injections can soften the lines and wrinkles that are to blame. We use BOTOX to treat:

  • Crow's feet at the corners of the eyes

  • Horizontal forehead creases

Vertical lines between the eyebrows (sometimes called frown lines or "the 11s")During your consultation with Dr. Koch and our team, we can examine your wrinkles and determine whether BOTOX can benefit you. We may also recommend another facial service such as a filler treatment or skin rejuvenation. Combining BOTOX with fillers and treatments such as one of our signature facials can provide comprehensive results that address all your goals.

What to Expect During BOTOX Treatments

Dr. Koch performs all BOTOX injections at our practice. When you come in for your initial treatment, Dr. Koch discusses your medical history to ensure you are a good candidate. She also asks about your aesthetic goals and explains the treatment itself.She then completes the injections quickly with precision, and most patients experience very little discomfort during the procedure. Each injection lasts just a few seconds, and your entire appointment is usually only about a half-hour. There is no downtime following the injections, and you can return to your normal daily activities immediately after you leave the spa.

When Will I See Results?

Most patients begin seeing changes a few days after the injections. During the first week after your injections, BOTOX is beginning to work by blocking nerve signals to the facial muscles. The final results occur within 2 weeks of your treatment and will last for 3 to 4 months. You may return for touch-up treatments whenever you see your results beginning to fade.